A line item is a specific component within your campaign that details the parameters and configurations for delivering ads.
This how-to article will detail the steps to successfully create line item. By the end of this article you will be able to...
- Understand the one of the key components creating an effective campaign.
- Create a line item completely focused on your advertising goals.
Step 1: Select Create line item
Navigate to "Campaign manager." Locate "Line items" and click "Create line item."
Step 2: Select advertiser and order
- Choose the advertiser and order to put this line item under.
Step 3: Name line item
- Assign a name to your line item.
Step 4: Select media type
- Choose from display, video, audio, and podcast.
The type of media determines what inventory to display creatives on. For the purpose of this how-to article, the display option will be used.
Step 5: Choose product settings
Select a category and subcategory of your line item.
Example: Finance, Commercial (category) Banking, Savings (subcategory).
Step 6: Add inventory settings
- Depending on the media type you have selected in Step 4, different inventory options will be available. This article shows what options would be available for a display media type. If you would like to change these settings, go to the "Change" button on the right.
- Add deals. If you have already created a deal, you can locate it by clicking "Change" besides "Deals." Then click "Add" to add to the campaign.
- Add inventory groups. These are reusable groupings of deals that can be added to line items.
Step 7: Set targeting options
Expand your targeting options by clicking “Add targeting.”
- Select audiences you want to target. This can include demographic, interest-based, or behavioral targeting.
- Specify the locations where your ads will be, and choose devices (desktop, mobile, tablet, etc) you want to target.
- Include/exclude site domains for your line item.
- You also have the new ability to target by categories, products, or related products for the contextual targeting display.
Step 8: Set delivery settings
By default, the line item flight dates will match the flight dates set for the order. If you want to choose custom dates, they must be within the order’s flight date range.
Set a budget cap in order to set a limit on how much budget gets spent per day/month. Then, choose a pacing option for the budget.
- Adjust fees if needed.
- Decide whether to set a limit on the number of times the same user can see any creatives in this line item on a single screen.
Step 9: Choose bidding options
- Choose from two bidding priorities for your line item: "Prioritize spending full budget, while maximizing performance" or "Prioritize KPI target." It is recommended that you use the bidding priority from the order.
- Select your base bid. This is the ideal amount that you’d like to pay (per 1000 impressions) for your ad inventory.
- Set the maximum average CPM to be automatically optimized or manually set.
Step 10: Book line item
- Select "Book as line item" at the bottom of the page to complete the process.
What have you accomplished?
After reading this how-to article, you should now be equipped with the skills to...
- Create a line item.
- Continue to the next steps of creating creatives for a specific line item.