Creating audiences can help you target specific groups of potential and past buyers.
An audience refers to a group of users that are targeted for advertising based on specific criteria. You have the ability to create your own audiences for a product/brand on Amazon DSP. After reading this how-to article you will be able to...
- Create a specific audience to target.
- Customize the way that your spread awareness about you product/brand.
Step 1: Navigate to advertiser section
- Select the advertiser you want to use.
- Select "Audiences" and click "New audience."
Step 2: Choose audience type
- Choose from 16 different audience types. This article will use the "Products" option.
Step 3: Enter the product ASIN
- Enter the ASIN of your product(s). This article will use coffee pods as an example.
- In order to locate the ASIN of a product, click on the link to the page of the product. The ASIN is a 10 digit combination of numbers and letters in the URL.
- If the correct ASIN is added, a visual of the product will appear on the right.
Step 4: Select and name audiences
- Choose audience behaviors to target.
- Create a name for each audience. Ex. "CoffeePods-ProductViews."
- Set a lookback period. This is the time period that includes all audience members that preformed the audience behavior.
- Click "Add a description" and write short description for your audience.
Step 5: Add the audience to your campaign
- Navigate back to the audiences tab under "Advertiser."
- Search for your new audience in the search bar.
- Add your audience.
What have you accomplished?
After reading this how-to article, you will now be equipped with the skills to...
- Create a unique audience for your product or brand.
- Target groups of people more efficiently.